New Year's Vision Boarding & Essential Oils at Dorbrook Recreation Area (Colts Neck, NJ)

Dorbrook Recreation Area
Colts Neck, NJ 07722
United States


Event Dates and Times
Note: This event description is sourced from the organizer’s website and may be subject to changes.
Are you ready to up-level your manifestation game and have fun while you're at it? This class, led by Kim Buono, will include a guided meditation to help clarify your vision. With clear intention, we will dive into the creative process of putting images and words on paper that support your personal vision. Essential oils will be available for blending to support the intention setting, meditation and creative process of vision boarding. What to bring: an open mind, old magazines or other inspiration on paper, poster board or other kind of "board" of your choice. Leave with a manifestation roller bottle blend and spray.
For more information, please visit the website provided and enter the following PROGRAM CODE:


The information on this site may contain errors and omissions and may not be current. Always confirm event details, dates, and times with the event venue / organizer before making plans.

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