Kaki King: Modern Yesterdays at McCarter Theatre Center

McCarter Theatre Center
91 University Pl
Princeton, NJ 08540
United States

Event Dates and Times
January 26, 2024

Kaki King has spent her career deconstructing and redefining the boundaries of the guitar, exploring its limits through technique, imagination, and seemingly boundless humanity. Her latest album Modern Yesterdays is a response to the unique time dilation of the COVID-19 pandemic, featuring several songs written as part her experimental theater piece “Data Not Found,” a rumination on themes of connection, alienation, and rebirth. Recorded in Brooklyn with Arjan Miranda and sound designer Chloe Alexandra Thompson, King’s poly-harmonic and -rhythmic approach wields abundant articulations of post-classical, jazz, folk, and blues motifs. In Modern Yesterdays live, King continues to refine her now signature projection mapping performance alongside a new approach to storytelling. Using visually imaginative and carefully choreographed guitar (and drum) performance, Modern Yesterdays bridges what fans have come to love about Kaki King.

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