Vendors sell. Crafters create.
Combined, they form Vendor Members Group (VMG).
In business and the event industry, everything hinges on branding:
Develop a brand.
Establish brand identity.
Introduce brand and logo.
Brand building and placement.
Creating brand awareness and loyalty.
Strategic brand marketing and promotions.
Brand relevance and diversity.
Brand growth and maturity.
Most small business crafters and artists become experts at perfecting their craft. Although when it comes to branding their own business - not so much. That's where Vendor Members Group bridges the gap.
As an accredited business with BBB of Greater Maryland, VMG is a juried membership group for artists who create a brand.
VMG works directly with members to properly brand their business which ultimately impacts their revenue, costs, and bottom line.
Featuring a popular, direct-to-consumer platform known as CRAFTS GALORE! Events, this marketplace allows small business artisans to focus on building their brand from one market location throughout the year.
CRAFTS GALORE! Events are held in the Timonium community of Baltimore County at 2300 Pot Spring Road, Timonium, MD 21093.
CRAFTS GALORE! Events are the signature event series of Vendor Members Group.